A Disciples Path
Take the first step and discover what belonging to Jesus means for a member
of Western Hills UMC. Discover what Methodists believe and what a life of
discipleship means. This self paced study is available for individuals and
couples who will be accompanied by a “guide” (one of our pastors, or
members who have already completed the study).
Contact Pastor Robert or Amy for a copy of the study guide to begin.
Sacred Bread Mini-Retreat
Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirst.’   John 6:35
This Lent we will be offering an opportunity for you to reflect on this “I Am” saying of Jesus and we will learn to prepare and bake the communion bread. Suggested donation of $10 per person to cover cost of ingredients and recipes, and for 2 loaves of bread. 
This Spring—Details TBD
Led by Margaret Haddad in the SFLC Meeting Room and Kitchen
“Take it Up” for Lent
A giving up that is really a taking up, for you, might be meditation. Join a five session introduction to meditation as a Lenten spiritual discipline. This can be a family experience.  Contact Don Haney at 833-6834 for details.
Sundays, February 14—March 13
at 5pm—7pm  (Sanctuary)
Living Into The Answers
Are you faced with any decisions in your near future? Personal spiritual
discernment is a particular way of facing the issues and decisions of our lives.  Discernment is a process of listening and choosing based on the
understanding that God is to be at the center of decision making. This workbook offers a method of prayerful discernment in a small group setting.  Call the church office at 584-2133 to register. 
Mondays, February 29th—May 2nd
at 7pm—8:30pm
Led by Rev. Amy Mercer in the Library.
Life Groups
Life groups meet once a week for 90 minutes in a home setting. The spring
session will be 10 weeks long and begins in mid February.  Join a multi-age or similar age/interest group. Life groups gather weekly to share life and interests, study the Word and socialize.  Spring Leaders: Colleen and Joe McGuire,
Debbie and Mike Platz, Terry and Sarah Allen.  Contact Pastor Amy at 584-2133 or amy@westernhillsep.org for more information.